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Making custom HUD

Fundamental Concepts

The GUI is described in a Layout file (*.layout). It is an XML file format.

The Layout Files should be edited by the provided GUI Editor

The GUI is linked with RoR over "User Data" Strings. These are Strings that can be set-up in the LayoutEditors Widget Properties. A link is a connection between the GUI Elements and RoR game values.

The controls are separated via Layers, so they can overlap each other in a defined way:

Needles should go on top (Main Layer), static background images to the bottom (Back Layer)

Required Software

Gui Editor 4

(old version: GUI Editor 2)

NOTE: some animations will not work exactly like in RoR yet. We are working on fixing this.


  1. Create graphics of gauges and needles
  2. Start GUIEditor and create the controls using your graphics
  3. Save the .layout and image files in your truck zip and use guisettings to integrate it with your vehicle.
  4. Test in RoR and fix in GUIEditor

Available animations


Rotates a single image around its center

  • Input type: float (real number)
  • FPS impact: light
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'RotatingSkin'


  • min - the minimum rotation angle
  • max - the maximum rotation angle
  • vmin - the value at the minimum angle
  • vmax - the value at the maximum angle

Example for a simple speedo gauge:



Switches between two images

  • Input type: boolean (true/false)
  • FPS impact: light
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'ImageBox'


  • texture - the basename of the texture to use
    The resulting images are called [texture]-on.png and [texture]-off.png

Example for a simple clutch lamp (images are clutch-on.png and clutch-off.png):


Lamps can have conditions on when they switch states. Currently there is only support for < and > comparisons. For example this lamp will be "on" for speeds over 50kph:



Switches between N images

  • Input type: integer (whole number)
  • FPS impact: light
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'ImageBox'


  • texture - the basename of the texture to use
    The resulting images are called <texture>-<number>.png

Example for a simple secured lamp (images are secured-0.png, secured-1.png and secured-2.png):



Scales one image

  • Input type: float (real number)
  • FPS impact: heavier
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'ImageBox'


  • min - the minimum size to add
  • max - the maximum size to add
  • vmin - the value at the minimum size
  • vmax - the value at the maximum size
  • direction - what side to scale up. possible values: up, down, left, right

Example for a simple speedo bar (which is 200 pixels width):



Moves around one image

  • Input type: float (real number)
  • FPS impact: heavier
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'ImageBox'


  • min - the minimum size to translate
  • max - the maximum size to translate
  • vmin - the value at the minimum translation
  • vmax - the value at the maximum translation
  • direction - what side to move to. possible values: up, down, left, right

Example for a simple speedo bar:


textstring / textformat

Displays text

  • Input type: text (max 250 characters)
  • FPS impact: light
  • Internals: based on MyGUI control 'TextBox'


Example for a simple speedo display:

anim= textstring or textformat
format=%04.0f km/h

Input sources

Description Type / Values / Ranges Active when
rpm Engine RPM Float: 0 - max truck RPM Engine exists
speedo_kph Wheel Speed in kilometer per hour Float: unlimited, minus if driving backwards Always
speedo_mph Wheel Speed in miles per hour Float: unlimited, minus if driving backwards Always
engine_turbo Engines Turbo PSI value Float: unlimited Engine exists
engine_ignition true if engine has contact, false if not Boolean: true or false Engine exists
engine_battery true if engine has contact and is nor running, false if not Boolean: true or false Engine exists
engine_clutch_warning true if engine torque is greater than the clutch force, false if not Boolean: true or false Engine exists
engine_gear Number of available gears, does not change Integer: -1 for first reverse gear, 0 for neutral, 1 for first gear, etc Engine exists
engine_num_gear Gear number, negative for reverse Integer: i.e. 6 for six usable gears Engine exists
engine_gear_string String that shows the gears in relation to the number of gears Character: " / " or "N" or "R" Engine exists
engine_auto_gear Automatic gear (R/N/D/½) Integer: same as gear but for automatic Engine exists
engine_clutch Current clutch value Float: 0 (not pressed) to 1 (fully pressed down) Engine exists
brake Current brake value Float: 0 (not pressed) to 1 (fully pressed down) Always
accelerator Current accelerator value Float: 0 (not pressed) to 1 (fully pressed down) Engine exists
roll Current cabin roll - values represents angle in degree Float: unlimited Always
roll_corr Current cabin roll targeted by active shocks - values represents angle in degree Float: unlimited Always
roll_corr_active true when the active shocks are working Boolean: true/false Always
pitch Current cabin pitch - values represents angle in degree Float: unlimited Always
parkingbrake true if parking brake is on Boolean: true/false Always
locked true if any hooks are locked to something Boolean: true/false Always
low_pressure true if hydraulics cannot work as the RPM is too low Boolean: true/false Always
lights true if headlights are on Boolean: true/false Always
tractioncontrol_mode TractionControl (TC) mode Integer: 0-3: 0 = not present, 1 = off, 2 = on, 3 = active Always
antilockbrake_mode Anti Lock Brake (ALB) Integer: 0-3: 0 = not present, 1 = off, 2 = on, 3 = active Always
ties_mode Ties locking state Integer: 0-2: 0 = not tied, 1 = prelock (currently tightening), 2 = tied (locked) Always
screw_throttle_X Boat Screw Throttle. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_SCREWPROP) Float: unlimited Screwprop exists
screw_steer_X Boat Screw Steering direction. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_SCREWPROP) Float: unlimited, -1 = left, +1 = right? Screwprop exists
water_depth Depth of water below lowest node Float: unlimited Screwprop exists
water_speed Speed on water in knots (1 Nautical Mile/Hour) Float: unlimited Screwprop exists
aeroengine_throttle_X Airplane Engine Throttle. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_AEROENGINE) Float: 0-1 Aeroengine exists
aeroengine_failed_X Airplane Engine Failure. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_AEROENGINE) Boolean: true if failed Aeroengine exists
aeroengine_rpm_X Airplane Engine RPM. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_AEROENGINE) Float: 0 to aeroengine max RPM Aeroengine exists
airspeed Speed above ground in knots/hour Float: unlimited Aeroengine or wing exists
wing_aoa_X Wings Angle of Attack. X from 0 to 5 (DD_MAX_WING) Float: unlimited Wing exists
altitude Altitude above ground Float: unlimited Aeroengine or wing exists
altitude_string Altitude above ground - string Characters: three character altitude display: "000" Aeroengine or wing exists
signal_turnleft Left turn signal is lit. Boolean
signal_turnright Right turn signal is lit. Boolean
signal_warning Warning signal is lit. Boolean


Perhaps the easiest thing to add is a text readout, here we will add a simple readout that shows the speed of a vehicle in MPH.

1. Load up the layout editor and add a TextBox.

You can do this by opening the Widgets tab, and under default you will find TextBox. Drag a TextBox out on the canvas as shown:

2. Change the properties of the TextBox.

Do this in the Properties tab as shown. Align should be to a corner of the screen (Left Top here) and Layer should be "Main". Also add the user data properties:


put the keyword (e.g. "anim") into the box above "Key" and put the value (e.g. "text") above the box marked "Value." Then click on "Add" and repeat this step for all the user data properties. In the end you should have these properties for the TextBox:

3: Save the layout as "namehere.layout" and put the layout with the vehicle's .truck file.

In the .truck file add the following lines:

dashboard namehere.layout

4: Test your readout!

Extra: Add these user values to format the display like this: "xxxx.xx MPH"

format=%.2f MPH

Now you have the basics of the layouteditor, move on to more advanced readouts. Let's now create a simple speedo gauge:

IMPORTANT: Put your graphics into the YourMedia sub folder, so the editor can use it.

  1. Open the layout editor.
  2. Add an ImageBox in the same way that you added a TextBox in the first part of this quickstart.
  3. Go into the ImageBox's properties and put the gauge texture into the ImageTexture field.
  4. Add a RotatingSkin widget add your needle texture to it in the same way as you did previously.
  5. Add these values to the RotatingSkin as User data:
  6. Save your .layout file, and move it and the images to your truck folder, and add the truck<-->.layout linkage as you did earlier in the quickstart.
  7. Test out your gauge, and make modifications as necessary.